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Max 7 Pitch and Time Machines | Ableton – Ableton Reference Manual
Max 7 Pitch and Time Machines is a free collection of devices that make use of new real-time intonation, pitch and time correction capabilities of Max 7. Among the many innovations are a several objects and devices that offer new possibilities in real-time intonation, pitch and time correction. Since Max for Live as of Live 9. It features the basic patch structure used in some other more complex examples. This device introduces some settings which control the pitch and time correction feature.
This device introduces some settings which control pitch and formant correction. Bit Player — A sequence-able sample player, synced to transport. This device allows for re-ordering sample playback in sync with Max or Live’s transport. Sampler Instrument — A polyphonic sampler instrument with time-stretching. Simple Pitch Shifter — A simple stereo pitch shifter. We’ve added a double LFO which acts as a pitch vibrato.
Additionally, the device inserts the pitch transposer into a delay line to create the famous “harmonizer” sound. Dual Harmonizer — A dual-mono pitch shifter with vibrato and feedback. The detected pitch can be monitored using a simple monophonic synthesizer. Mono Vocoder — A dual-mono vocoder. Pitch correction can be tweaked with some dedicated parameters, according to the type of sound that is processed.
This device is similar to the Mono vocoder device, but uses a polyphonic patch structure, thus allowing multiple harmonizations. Autotuna — A scale-based microtonal auto-tuner that can use Scala files. Scales can be either entered by hand, or loaded from Scala files — a file format for musical tunings that is a standard for exchange of scales. Learn more about Scala. Microtuner — A table-based microtonal auto-tuner that can use Scala files.
This device is similar to the Autotuna example device, except that scales are entered using a graphic function whose shape can be curved, thus providing some unexpected pitch scales. Share this: Ableton on Facebook Ableton on Twitter.
Stretch, shape and morph sounds into a broad sound palette using wavetables derived from synths, acoustic instruments, noise and much more. New from K-Devices, Terra is a polyphonic Max For Live synth incorporating frequency modulation, phase distortion, ring modulation and wave shaping. Inspired by the experimental sounds of the 60s and 70s, this eclectic set of dream-like instruments and textures is ideal for soundtracks, film scores, or anyone looking to spark offbeat production ideas.
Get deep with the multi-functional LFO, create a sequence of randomized preset states, or modulate parameters using an audio signal — this set of envelope followers and other device controllers can reinvent how you use your instruments and effects, and take your modulations to the molecular level. Max for Live Max 7 Pitch and Time Machines by Cycling ’74 Max 7 Pitch and Time Machines is a free collection of devices that make use of new real-time intonation, pitch and time correction capabilities of Max 7.
Vocoding Mono Vocoder — A dual-mono vocoder. Retuning Autotuna — A scale-based microtonal auto-tuner that can use Scala files. You may also like:. EUR Available as bundle.
Instrument, Drum and Effect Racks — Ableton Reference Manual Version 11 | Ableton.20+ Powerful Ableton Max for Live Devices — Pro Audio Files
Since each of our chain select zones has a unique value, with no two zones overlapping, we now have a situation where only one chain at a time can ever be equal to the Chain selector value shown at the top of the editor. Therefore, by moving the Chain selector, we determine which chain can process signals.
With our MIDI encoder at hand, we can now flip effortlessly between instrument or effect setups. Setting the zones as shown maintains four exclusive values for our presets, so that each still has one point where neither of the others are heard.
We crossfade between the presets over eight steps. If this is too rough a transition for your material, simply reposition the zones to maximize the fade ranges.
But Drum Racks have a slightly different layout, some unique controls and special behavior that is optimized for creating drum kits. The Pad View is unique to Drum Racks and offers an easy way to map and manipulate samples and devices. Each pad represents one of the available MIDI notes. If you then drag an audio effect to the same pad, it is placed downstream from the Simpler in the same chain.
To replace the Simpler, simply drop another sample onto the same pad — any downstream audio effects or upstream MIDI effects will be left intact and only the Simpler and sample will be replaced. In addition to dragging objects from the browser, pads can also be filled quickly via Hot-Swap. If a multi-selection of samples is dropped onto a pad, new Simplers and chains will be mapped upwards chromatically from this pad, replacing any other samples that may have already been assigned to the pads in question but, as before, leaving any effects devices alone.
Dragging a pad to another pad swaps the note mapping between the pads. You can always change your mappings from within the chain list as well, by adjusting the Receive choosers. The Pad View will update automatically to reflect your changes. Pad View can make it much easier to work by letting you focus on only the top level: the notes and sounds. What you can control with each pad is related to how many chains it represents:. Although Pad View is designed for easy editing and sound design, it also excels as a performance interface, particularly when triggered by a hardware control surface with pads.
If you scroll the pad overview to show a different set of pads, your controller will update automatically. It is possible to use up to 16 Macro Controls in a Rack. When creating a new Rack, eight Macro Control knobs are shown by default. You can use the and view selector buttons to increase or decrease the amount of visible Macro Controls. Note that the state of shown and hidden Macro Controls is saved in the Live Set. With the potential for developing complex device chains, Macro Controls keep things manageable by taking over the most essential parameters of a Rack as determined by you, of course.
Once you have set up your ideal mapping, the rest of the Rack can be hidden away. Enabling Macro Map Mode causes three things to happen:. Note that once assigned to a Macro Control, a device parameter will appear disabled, since it hands over all control to the Macro Control although it can still be modulated externally, via Clip Envelopes see Chapter You can edit or delete your assignments at any time using the Mapping Browser which only appears when Map Mode is enabled.
Macro Controls can be given custom names, colors and info text entries via the corresponding commands in the Edit menu or the context menu. If you want to add an element of surprise or find some inspiration in your Set, randomizing Macro Controls can be a useful tool.
Depending on your material, you might only want to randomize some parameters, while leaving other controls unchanged. To exclude a mapped Macro Control from randomization, enable the Exclude Macro from Randomization option in the context menu.
Note that Macro Controls assigned to Volume parameters in Instrument Rack presets are excluded from randomization by default. You can also use these variations or create builds and drops, or make instant jumps between different Macro Control settings while recording or performing. Disabling the context menu entry will re-enable changes to that control. Likewise, any nested chains within the Rack will also have this button.
Chains in the Session View mixer look similar to tracks, but they have no clip slots. Likewise, many chain operations such as reordering, renaming and regrouping can be performed from either the mixer or the chain list.
As with tracks, when chains are multiselected in the Session View mixer, adjusting a mixer parameter for one of the chains will adjust the same parameter in the other selected chains.
All chains can be dragged from their parent Racks and placed into other tracks or Racks, either from the chain list or from the Session View mixer. Drum chains have an additional feature: when dragged from the mixer to a new track, they take their MIDI notes with them.
This creates a new track with the full contents of the snare chain: both its devices and its MIDI data. If you would like to extract only the devices, drag from the chain list instead of from the mixer. One unique property of Racks are their Macro Controls. Audio Effect Racks contain only audio effects, and can be placed in audio tracks.
Drum Racks see Drum Racks can also contain up to six return chains of audio effects, with independent send levels for each chain in the main Rack. Components of a Drum Rack. Racks have distinct views that can be shown or hidden as needed. Therefore, every Rack has a view column on its far left side that holds the corresponding view selectors. The actual view selectors available differ depending on whether an Instrument, Drum or Effect Rack is being used.
Macro Controls Chain List. In Drum Racks, this view can include both drum chains and return chains. Devices Racks are also identifiable by their round corners, which bracket and enclose their content. When the Devices view is shown, the end bracket visually detaches itself to keep the Rack hierarchy clear. Pad View see This is unique to Drum Racks. Before any MIDI data can enter a device chain, it must be able to pass through every zone in that chain. If a note also lies within both of these zones, then it is passed to the input of the first device in that chain.
Key zone fade ranges attenuate the velocities of notes entering a chain. Velocity zone fade ranges attenuate the velocities of notes entering a chain. The Chain List in a Drum Rack. In addition to the standard selectors found on all Racks, Drum Racks have four additional controls in the view column. The Choke chooser allows you to set a chain to one of sixteen choke groups. Any chains that are in the same choke group will silence the others when triggered.
This is useful for choking open hihats by triggering closed ones, for example. The small Preview button to the left of these choosers fires a note into the chain, making it easy to check your mappings away from a MIDI controller. Mixer Section. In addition to the mixer and Hot-Swap controls found in other Rack types, Drum Racks also have send sliders.
Simple Pitch Shifter — A simple stereo pitch shifter. We’ve added a double LFO which acts as a pitch vibrato. Additionally, the device inserts the pitch transposer into a delay line to create the famous “harmonizer” sound. Dual Harmonizer — A dual-mono pitch shifter with vibrato and feedback. The detected pitch can be monitored using a simple monophonic synthesizer. Mono Vocoder — A dual-mono vocoder. Pitch correction can be tweaked with some dedicated parameters, according to the type of sound that is processed.
This device is similar to the Mono vocoder device, but uses a polyphonic patch structure, thus allowing multiple harmonizations. Autotuna — A scale-based microtonal auto-tuner that can use Scala files.
Scales can be either entered by hand, or loaded from Scala files — a file format for musical tunings that is a standard for exchange of scales. Learn more about Scala. Microtuner — A table-based microtonal auto-tuner that can use Scala files.
This device is similar to the Autotuna example device, except that scales are entered using a graphic function whose shape can be curved, thus providing some unexpected pitch scales. Share this: Ableton on Facebook Ableton on Twitter. Stretch, shape and morph sounds into a broad sound palette using wavetables derived from synths, acoustic instruments, noise and much more.
New from K-Devices, Terra is a polyphonic Max For Live synth incorporating frequency modulation, phase distortion, ring modulation and wave shaping.
Free Max For Live Devices – .
Play video: What max 7 ableton live 9 free Max for Live? What is Max for Live? Max for Live puts the vast creative potential of the Max development environment directly inside of Live. It powers a range of instruments and effects. And for those who want to go further, it lets you customize devices, create your own from scratch, and explore another world of devices produced by the Max for Live community.
Max for Live is a platform to build your own instruments and effects, tools for live performance and visuals, and much more. You can build your own from scratch using the same components.
And you can even use Max to change the way Max 7 ableton live 9 free works, including the properties of tracks, clips and scenes. Max for Live can completely change how Live interacts with all things external. Route audio to multiple sets of speakers from your Live project. Use Live to control physical objects like motors and lights using Arduino, 77 and other technologies—there are infinite possibilities for connection and control between Live and the max 7 ableton live 9 free surrounding it.
You can share your own, or just enjoy using the work of others. Grain Scanner — Grain Scanner lets you design experimental noises, glitchy effects, alien textures and massive cyberlink powerdirector 8 ultra crack free download of ambience. Its advanced sound engine turns any sample into a blank slate for otherworldly synth parts. Give parts an expressive push and pull, fluidly transition from one time signature to another, or play with unconventional swing patterns.
PitchLoop89 — Create jittery glitch effects, abletin digital shimmers and outlandish vibrato with this Max for Live pitch shifting device created in collaboration with Robert Henke and inspired by the Publison DHM 89 — an early digital effects processor. Vector Grain — A maz looper that visualizes sound modulation by moving particles on the interface — play with attraction and magnetism or loop the particles through a flow field.
Tree Tone — Grow different fractal patterns inspired by plants, then use them as resonators for internally generated noise or incoming audio. Bouncy Notes — Bounce balls up and down a piano roll to mxa pitch shifting delay effects or arpeggiation with this gravity-based MIDI sequencer.
Check out more Max for Live devices in the Packs store. Gated Delay — A delay with a gate sequencer that sends the ab,eton signal нажмите сюда a delay line on activated steps. Much like a send effect that is turned on and off in a defined rhythm.
Bass — A monophonic virtual analog synthesizer that provides the entire palette of bass sounds in one device — from classically deep and clean to heavily distorted, rumbling tones.
Color Limiter — Another flavor of limiting inspired by the gritty max 7 ableton live 9 free achievable with hardware limiters. The Saturation and Color parameters are the key to its characterful sound. Pitch Hack — A single delay line with transposition control, as well as the ability to reverse audio, randomize the transposition interval and fold the delayed signal back into itself.
Surround Panner — Multichannel Panning ablfton for surround mixing with multi-channel speaker setups. CV Utility — Merge multiple modulation signals to generate new shapes. Convolution Reverb — Capture the characteristic reverb of real physical spaces with advanced sound shaping.
Shaper — A flexible envelope modulation device for creating custom modulation shapes. Envelope Follower — Use the envelope of any audio material to control device parameters. See all included instruments and effects in Live. Head to Cycling Get all the features of Live 11 Suite free for 90 days. Ablwton the trial. Design your system. Create and customize Max for Live is a platform to build your own instruments and effects, tools for live performance and visuals, and much more.
Extend Live Max for Live can completely change how Live interacts with all things external. Join a community of device builders. Devices made by Ableton.
Built on Max. Max 7 ableton live 9 free is Max? Try Live 11 for free Get all the features of Live 11 Suite max 7 ableton live 9 free for 90 days.