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Download Adblock Plus for Firefox – free – latest version.The best ad blocker for Firefox | Try ad-blocking extension AdGuard

Report this add-on for abuse If you think this add-on violates Mozilla’s add-on policies or has security or privacy issues, please report these issues to Mozilla using this form.
Dismiss Send abuse report. This add-on needs to: Extend developer tools to access your data in open tabs Display notifications to you Access browser tabs Store unlimited amount of client-side data Access browser activity during navigation Access your data for all websites.
Add-on Links Homepage Support site Version 3. Select a collection… Create new collection. This release includes various snippet changes. You can easily enable them for Google search results pages. Learn more at the AdBlock website. How are you enjoying AdBlock for Firefox? Log in to rate this extension. Report this add-on for abuse.
Report this add-on for abuse If you think this add-on violates Mozilla’s add-on policies or has security or privacy issues, please report these issues to Mozilla using this form. Dismiss Send abuse report. This add-on needs to: Extend developer tools to access your data in open tabs Display notifications to you Access browser tabs Store unlimited amount of client-side data Access browser activity during navigation Access your data for all websites.
Add-on Links Homepage Support site Version 5. You will be surprised how much time you can save when you have access to the content without all the unnecessary ads appearing.
One of the most important PDF readers around. A browser for those who are looking for something different. Open-world vehicle simulation game. Old-school media player for Windows. Computer gaming PlayStation style.
File management and editing software. Your first steps as a video maker. Ad-free browsing Enjoy ad-free Firefox browsing. Get access to unlimited web content without the hassle of constant ads appearing. Where can you run this program?
Adblock firefox free download windows 10.Adblock Plus for Firefox 3.10.2
Adblock Plus is a Firefox add-on that makes ads disappear and has plenty of other useful features, too. Most, if not all of those annoying Flash ads will disappear right away, speeding up your browsing and allowing you to concentrate on the site content. Adblock Plus provides a choice of more than 40 filters, and you can choose the ones that are most effective for you.
There are filters for many languages beyond just English, for instance, from Dutch, French and German, to Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, and more. And you can also install filters for many specific purposes: to block ads on adult or P2P websites, to protect you from privacy risks, keep you safe from known malware domains, and even a blacklist for known Rickrolling pages no, really Adblock Plus is one of the easiest ways to speed up your web browsing and cut down on web clutter.
Show all. Adblock Plus for Firefox 3. Add to Watchlist Comment Share. Review Changelog. Automatically block annoying ads in seconds with this essential Firefox add-on. Adblock Plus for Chrome 3. Automatically block annoying ads in seconds with this essential Chrome add-on. Adblock Plus for Edge 3. AdFender 2. Personas Plus 1. Firefox 89 Beta Firefox 89 Beta 14 bit. Firefox 89 Beta 14 for Linux. Firefox 89 Beta 14 for Mac.
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Download Adblock Plus for Firefox for Windows – Free – .
· Download Adblock Plus for Mozilla Firefox for Windows to block annoying ads and banners in Mozilla egory: Firefox Add-ons & Plugins. Загрузите Firefox, бесплатный веб-браузер, поддерживаемый Mozilla, некоммерческой организацией, занимающейся вопросами здоровья и приватности Интернета. Уже доступен на Windows, Mac, Linux, Android и iOS. Download AdBlock for Firefox for Firefox. The most popular ad blocker for Chrome and Safari, now available for Firefox! Block all advertisements on all web pages, even Facebook, Youtube, and Hulu. Browse faster, too! Most ads aren’t even downloaded 4,3/5(2,6 тыс.).