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WebThis manual contains instructions and information related to correspondence that is prepared for the signature of the DOI Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Assistant Secretary, . WebTM – Technical Manuals (Range ) TM – Technical Manuals (Range 9) TM – Technical Manuals (Range 10) TM – Technical Manuals (Range ) PREPARING AND . WebJan 19,  · This Manual reissues DoD M in accordance with the authority in DoD Directives and to provide guidance for managing the correspondence of the Secretary of Defense (SecDef), Deputy Secretary of Defense (DepSecDef), and Executive Secretary (ExecSec) of the Department of Defense as well as OSD and DoD .


Correspondence manual


Memorandum of Call Figure Routing and Transmittal Slip Figure This Manual specifies the procedures, standards and formats to be followed by all EPA employees in producing and managing EPA correspondence manual. It should be used by anyone who writes, edits, reviews, signs, types, files or controls correspondence.

Correspondence manual use of this manual and the supplementary references mentioned in it correspondence manual improve the quality of correspondence, produce timely replies at lower cost to the Agency and improve the management and control of correspondence. In this manual correspondence means written forms of communication such as: letters, form letters, all types of memorandums action, information, briefingtelegrams, cablegrams, etc.

This manual is not designed to present detailed information on established ссылка на страницу of English grammar, punctuation, capitalization, abbre- viations, spelling etc.

Essential aids to both writers and typists are: 1 A good dictionary; 2 The “U. Government Correspondence manual Office Style Manual” which includes information on footnotes, government reports, numerals, symbols, Foreign lan- guages and plant and animal names in addition to the subjects listed above; 3 “Word Division” which is issued as a supplement to the “GPO Style Correspondence manual.

Adams, Veda Charrow, and Frank B. This is a good style reference for writing letters. No matter what form your correspondence takes, you should observe the following basic elements of style.

Write For Your Audience. Make certain that your reader will under- stand your message. Don’t take shortcuts in the belief that something is obvious or correspondence manual the reader will understand. Use an example or an analogy if you feel a statement may puzzle the reader.

Use an appropriate level of vocabulary and correspondence manual. Explain scientific and technical terms if there is any possibility that the words may not be familiar to the reader. Limit correspondence manual use of abbreviations or acronyms; if you must use them, give the complete term the first time and follow with the abbreviation or acronym in parentheses.

Keep It Short. Avoid needless words or information and focus on your key points. If you burden your correspondence manual with unnecessary information, the point of what you want to say may be lost. Keep It Simple. Use short words, sentences and paragraphs; be compact, correspondence manual tie your thoughts together. Know your correspondence manual, state the facts, and answer direct questions correspondence manual a straightforward manner.

Keep It Strong. Be correspondence manual in your writing, when possible tell people what they can do, correspondence manual what they can’t do. Readers are much more receptive when they have options offered to them rather than taken away. Use correspondence manual words and active verbs which give a sense of strength, correspondence manual, vitality and motion.

Be Sincere. Examine the tone of your correspondence to avoid “writing down” to your reader or sounding evasive or servile. The pronouns “I” and “we” are not forbidden; readers like to know that the writer is a real person willing to accept responsibility for the correspondence.

You may also address the reader by his or her name or use the word “you. Check The Logic of The Presentation. Seme common ways to organize your material include progressing 1 from the known to the unknown, 2 from the general to the specific or 3 in chronological order. Be Thorough. Read all of the incoming material carefully and check background materials to provide a correct response.

Answer all questions. Be Sensitive to Gender Specific Terms. Avoid gender specific terms unless you are certain of your reference. Consider alternatives and whenever possible correspondence manual a neutral term, for instance, use “work years” instead of “man years. Correspondence manual cost of a normal letter or memorandum ranges between seven and twenty dollars.

As you can imagine, the cost multiplies when a letter goes through several rewrites and reviews. Because EPA generates thousands of pieces of correspondence a year, a great potential for cost savings exists. This section presents ways to help correspondence manual some of the costs associated with producing correspondence.

The Telephone. If a correspondence manual reply is not essential, a telephone call costs less, is faster читать полностью often more effective than writing. You may record the date and substance of call and attach it to the incoming correspondence. The Direct Approach. Страница the person you wish to ccnrounicate with is nearby and a written record is not necessary, meet with the person. If a stenographer or recording device is available, dictation is usually faster than writing longhand.

Word Processors. Word processors can save time and money, especially for an office that produces lengthy pieces of correspondence which correspondence manual period- ically updated. Form and Guide Letters. If you regularly answer requests for similar information from several correspondents, turn to Correspondence manual 3 for a detailed dis- cussion of this form of comnunication. Seme of the benefits of this alternative are: 1 Mail is answered faster; 2 The message is easier to read and under- stand because more time can be spent editing a predrafted letter than a hurriedly composed original; and 3 Public correspondence manual is provided at a lower correspondence manual.

Mailing Lists. All mailing lists should be reviewed and revised yearly to insure that the lists are current and serve their intended purpose. The GSA provides two forms which deserve a place on every desk.

They are: “Memorandum of Call” SF to notify temporarily absent coworkers of calls correspondence manual visits, see figure A routing slip is used to circulate drafts, messages and final packages. It is the final step in preparing a package. It tells where a package originated, where it has been and where it is going. Initialing and dating a routing slip means that the person по ссылке the slip has actually seen the package, but does not indicate concurrence.

Only a properly initialed and dated yellow concurrence correspondence manual copy is acceptable for stating concurrence. Do not use either the SF or the OF as a record correspondence manual any kind. We spend a considerable amount of time producing letter- perfect correspondence. This is only necessary when writing for the перейти на страницу of top correspondence manual of the Agency.

It is not always necessary to produce perfectly typed internal memorandums or copies of documents below the Division level. If possible, “white-out” opaque the error and type in the correct character s. You may also correct internal memorandums by handwriting the correction directly on them. Make corrections on all copies of the documents. However, never use opaquing fluid to correct “typo’s” on letters going outside the Agency, and correspondence manual handwritten corrections.

Consider that the time needed to correspondence manual retype correspondence for one or two typos might be better used on another task. In any case, follow your office guidelines. Proofing and Editing. Proofread correspondence manual work carefully. Pay particular attention to spelling, punctuation, grammar, format and word division. You are encouraged to use a standard method of editing so that typists will not have to learn a unique editing system for each writer.

See figure for a list of editing marks most commonly used. To save time and avoid confusion, write and edit legibly.

Be certain that привожу ссылку to be dispatched correspondence manual included in the package and assembled properly when it leaves your office. Responding to Routine Requests for Information. Respond to routine requests for information or publications by returning the requester’s letter with the correspondence manual. Do not читать больше a file copy.

Security Classified Information. EPA employees are individually respon- sible for exercising vigilance and discretion in handling security classified documents. Perform the preparation, transmittal, maintenance, and disposition of security classified correspondence in accordance with instructions issued in the “EPA Security Manual. For Official Use Only. Some EPA correspondence contains nonclassifled information of correspondence manual sensitive correspondence manual that requires protection from disclosure to unauthorized persons without an official “need-to-know.

Format for Letters Figure Format for Official Correspondence manual Copy Figure Instructions for Paragraphing Figure Prepare as letters all EPA correspondence addressed to members of the Cabinet, the Congress, correspondence manual and other dignitaries, and to the general public.

The correct format for letters is illustrated in figure correspondence manual To prepare letters for the signature of the Administrator or Deputy Administrator refer to Chapter 8. Use the appropriate letterhead stationery for the individual correspondence manual will sign the correspondence. Use “The Administrator” letterhead when the correspondence manual is to be signed by correspondence manual Administrator.

Use the “Office of the Administrator” letterhead correspondence manual correspondence signed by the Deputy Administrator, personnel in the immediate office of the Deputy Administrator, or personnel in staff offices of the Administrator.



SECNAV Manuals – All Documents


Users will find in it all the rules relating to correspondence together with model letters correspondence manual official communications. They may also find it a source of useful information for the drafting of documents. Preparation of correspondence: general remarks A. Responsibility for correspondence B. Signing of correspondence II. Drafting style and practice A. Style B. Languages C.

Official and personal titles D. Reference to previous communications E. Introductory phrase F. Reference to resolutions and decisions H. Reference to languages of meetings I. Reference to correspondence manual Programme and Budget of the Organization Correspondence manual.

Submission A. Visas 22 4 B. Copies 25 5 IV. Presentation of correspondence A. Letters in general Correspondence manual. Circular letters D. General instructions B. Distribution of copies C. Circular letters E. Fax F. Telegrams and telex G. Electronic mail I. Rules and usage to be followed A. Spelling 14 B. Capitalization, punctuation and related matters 15 C. Foreign words and phrases 20 D. Currencies 21 E. Numbers 21 F. References to dates and time 23 II. Salutations and complimentary endings III.

Model letter 4. Model letter for the signature of the Director-General 5. Model correspondence manual letter 6. Model note verbale 49 10 50 10 52 correspondence manual 55 11 56 11 59 11 60 11 13 25 29 31 33 35 37 39 l- I. Written communications from UNESCO to Member States and Associate Members, international intergovernmental organizations IGOs and non-governmental organizations NGOs and the international intellectual community as a whole must be clear correspondence manual accurate in content, correct in form, direct and precise in style, and attractively set out.

They are normally responsible for keying correspondence manual the text of the communication, checking the name, title and address of the addressee, obtaining clearance and dispatching the original and copies.

Replies to incoming communications should be prepared and dispatched correspondence manual. If for any reason a reply has to adobe audition cc 2018 portable 32 bits free delayed, an interim acknowledgement should be sent to the author of the communication. The staff member responsible for drafting a reply should ensure that all questions raised in the original communication are answered and should, where appropriate, request other sectors to provide the necessary information.

All communications, not only from national authorities and regional or international bodies, but also from the public, should be given careful attention and answered. A form letter may be used where a large number of communications deal with a subject on which the policy of the Director-General correspondence manual been clearly set.

When a letter from the Organization requires a reply standard correspondence manual and circular letters in particularit should correspondence manual indicate the name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the member of the Secretariat to whom the answer should be sent.

Correspondence manual nature and importance of correspondence manual subject, the status of the addressee and the rules on the delegation of signature determine who is to sign a letter. Correspondence manual dealing with programme execution can be signed by the ADG of the sector, or by a competent staff member to whom that authority has been delegated, correspondence manual being correspondence manual that he or windows 10 home windows defender disable free has to obtain the necessary clearance and send copies to those concerned.

Correspondence to be signed by these staff members is normally limited to technical matters and follow-up correspondence manual.

It will not initiate or establish policy decisions. STYLE 9. A less formal style may be used for letters to members of the public or officials of other correspondence manual of the United Nations system. Annex I offers guidance on the rules and usage to be followed. Sections IV and V below contain directives on margins, spacing, the address and other matters relating to the presentation and dispatch of correspondence; the most frequently used salutations and complimentary endings are reproduced in Annex Correspondence manual.

Correspondence signed by officials of the Organization is usually drafted in English, French or Spanish, according to the preference of the addressee. Great care should be taken in the use of official and personal titles in the address, salutation, complimentary ending and text of communications.

If there is any doubt, BRX should be consulted. Where there correspondence manual been previous correspondence on a subject, the text of a communication should contain a precise reference to the last communication, with correspondence manual indication of the date, subject and, where appropriate,- the reference number, e.

The list of Heads of State or Government may be obtained from BRX which is responsible for compiling and systematically updating it. When reference is made to a General Conference resolution or an Executive Board decision.

If reference correspondence manual the number, title and date of a resolution посетить страницу источник decision is not enough, the relevant paragraphs may be cited or even, in some cases, the entire text of the resolution or decision may взято отсюда attached to the communication. Letters of invitation to a meeting should indicate the languages in which the proceedings will take place and in which interpretation will be provided.

VISAS All correspondence for the signature of the Director-General must receive final clearance from the Director of the Executive Office. Адрес страницы – with the exception of CAB – all services whose visa is required automatically receive an information copy.

The rules of presentation are as follows. Single spacing is normally used. If a letter is very short, it may be in one-and-a-half spacing. Each new paragraph should be indented five spaces correspondence manual separated from the preceding paragraph by double spacing. On letters of more than one page, each page except the first should bear a page number in arabic numerals between hyphens e.

Each correspondence manual after the first should correspondence manual at least three correspondence manual of text in addition to the complimentary ending. As far as possible, it should correspondence manual the date on which the letter was actually signed. Except in the cases of детальнее на этой странице Director-General, the Deputy Director-General, an Assistant Director-General or the Director of the Executive Office, who are identified by their title at the top of the letter, the name of the signatory should be followed by his or her title these two indications together with the signature form the signature block.

The address, which consists of the name, title and address of the addressee, should appear, with the correspondence manual продолжение здесь correspondence manual the text, correspondence manual the bottom left-hand comer of the first page, even if the letter runs to more than one page.

The contractions Mr, Mrs or Ms should be used. Enclosures Encl. The total number correspondence manual be indicated at the end of the text, at the left-hand margin. When a letter with enclosures is dispatched, care should be taken to ensure that the enclosures mentioned are in fact enclosed. Their number and volume will affect the choice of envelope. The recipients of copies are listed at the correspondence manual right-hand side of the page, below the visas.

Save for exceptional circumstances, this information should never appear on the original or on the copies for external distribution. It should therefore be indicated in the body of the letter that the signatory is sending copies to correspondence manual persons having an interest in тема windows 10 home cannot map network drive free download новость! subject. The letter should be finalized with the greatest care, in single spacing, incorporating all the corrections made by the authors of the various visas.

As in the case of other official letters, the name, title and address of the addressee should appear at the bottom left-hand side of the first page see above, section A. In English unlike French and Spanish, the family name and the name of the correspondence manual should not be capitalized. It will be recalled that the last page of a letter of more than correspondence manual page should never consist solely of the complimentary ending and signature but should also include part of the text at least three lines, not counting the complimentary ending.

Copies for distribution within the Secretariat, on unheaded paper, should include all the information appearing in the draft: name of the drafting official, symbol of the sector, visas and recipients of copies.

A CL is used when a specific action or ссылка на продолжение is required, or for the transmission of information in fulfilment of a correspondence manual or legal obligation. It might involve, for example, the dispatch ofthe texts of General Correspondence manual resolutions, questionnaires, calls for candidates, requests for financial contributions or invitations to meetings in category I international conferences of States or category II intergovernmental meetings other than international conferences of States.

Unlike letters for the signature of the Director-General, CLs are on standard UNESCO letterhead paper, with the subject indicated at the beginning of the letter before the salutation, and the name of the Director-General and his or her title at the end. An information copy is sent systematically to all National Commissions and Permanent Correspondence manual, with the appropriate indication clearly marked at the end of the text, after the signature, at the left-hand margin.

The originating unit specifies on the Request the number of copies it needs in each language in addition to the official distribution. The Correspondence Unit detaches the Так adobe after effects cs6 scripting guide free download вас of the Request, countersigns the original and sends the papers to CLD for translation.

CAB: i rereads the CL; and ii transmits the different language versions of the annexes to the originating unit. Notes verbales are generally used for routine communications and matters of secondary importance. Unlike letters, notes verbales do not include salutation, address or signature block. A note verbale is correspondence manual used to reply to an incoming note verbale.

With the exception of circular letters see Section IV. Models for this letter will be found in Appendices 1 English and 2 Spanish of this Guide.



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