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OffsetsThe Wall offset and Floor offset parameters enable you to define theallowances that remain on the walls and the floor of the machined parttill the profile finish machining. These allowances can be removed withthe finish passes in the same Profile operation or in an additional Profileoperation with another tool. Theallowance of 0. This allowance will be removed witha separate finishing cut in the end of the profile machining. Select the Finish check box to perform the finishing of theprofile.

This page enables you to define the way the tool approaches the profile and retreatsaway. Profile Lead in and Lead outThe lead-in movement is necessary to prevent vertical entering of thetool into the material. With the lead-in strategies the tool descends to themachining level outside of the material and then horizontally penetratesthe material with the lead-in movement. The lead-out strategy enablesyou to perform the retract movements outside the material.

The length of the normal canbe set in the Normal length field. Thedistance between the normal andmaterial is set in the Tangent extensionfield. The arcradius can be set in the Radius field. Thelength of the extension can be set in theTangent extension field. The arc angle isset in the Arc angle field.

The length of the tangentcan be set in the Length field. Thedistance to the material can be set in theTangent extension field. From this position, thetool moves on a straight line to the startpoint of the profile. When you selectthis option, the Pick button is activatedso that you can select a position directlyon the solid model. The distancebetween the point and material is set inthe Tangent extension field. When you select thisoption, you can define a geometry of the tool approach to the material.

When the Same as Lead in check box is selected, the strategy andparameters defined for Lead in are used for Lead out. Under Lead in, choose the Arc optionfrom the list, and set the Tangentextension value to 5 and the Radius valueto 2.

Under Lead out, select the Same as Leadin check box. The definition of the basic technologicalparameters of profile milling is finished. The Profile operation data is saved, and the toolpath is calculated.

Simulate the operationClick the Simulate button in the Profile Operation dialogbox. The Simulation control panel is displayed. Switch tothe SolidVerify page and start the simulation with the Playbutton. When the simulation is finished, play the it step by step using thebutton. Since all the View options ofSolidWorks are active during the simulation, you can see the tool path fromdifferent perspectives and zoom on a certain area of the model. Close the simulation with the Exitdisplayed.

The Profile Operation dialog box is Add a Pocket operationThe Pocket operation is used for the internalpocket machining. Right-click the last definedProfile operation and choose Pocket from theAdd Milling Operation submenu. The Pocket Operation dialog box is displayed.

Define the GeometryThe geometry for a Pocket operation is generally represented by closed chains. In thisexercise, you have to define a chain using the solid model edges. Click the button in the Geometrypage to start the geometry definition. The Geometry Edit dialog box isdisplayed. Using the Loop option, define thechain as shown.

Confirm the geometry definition byclicking the button. Define the ToolSwitch to the Tool page and click the Select button. The Part Tool Table is displayed. Click the to start the tool definition. The Tool type table is displayed. In the Topology page, set the Diametervalue to 8. Define the Milling levelsSwitch to the Levels page of the PocketOperation dialog box and define upperand lower levels of machining directly onthe solid model.

Define the Upper level as shown. TheUpper level value 0 is determined. Define the Pocket depth by clicking onthe pocket bottom face as shown. The Pocket depth value 8 is determined. Set the Step down value to 4 to perform the pocketmachining in two equal steps. Define the technological parametersSwitch to the Technology page of the Pocket Operationdialog box.

In the Offsets section, set the Wall offsetand the Floor offset values to 0. These offsets remainunmachined during roughing and are removed with thefurther finishing. In the Finish area, select the Wall and Floor check boxes.

These options enable you to perform finishing of the Walloffset and Floor offset that remain after the roughing. Define the machining strategy. Make sure that the defaultContour option is chosen in the Technology section.

Whenthe Contour strategy is chosen, the tool moves on offsetsparallel to the pocket contour. Switch to the Contour tab to display the Contourparameters. This page enables you to define theparameters of the Contour strategy. The Min. If the given radius is too large for a specific corner, itproduces the largest possible radius at that point. Sometimes the fillet option can leave some material. This particularly happens if the given radius is large.

The tool path formsa loop in the corner, preventing anabrupt change of direction. Althoughthis produces a sharp movement by thetool, the path itself is slightly shorterthan the smooth corner option. Thiscan help cut down on machining time. This option is not recommended for high-speed cutting. DirectionThis option enables you to choose climb or conventional milling for theroughing operation. Climb millingConventional milling Theradius of the arc is half the distance betweenthe tool path passes.

Exit materialThis option controls the tool movements between the working areas. Exit material check box notselectedWhen the tool moves from oneworking area to the next, it movesthrough the full material aroundthe island to get to the nextworking area as shown above. Connect islandsThis option enables you to keep thesame cutting direction conventional orclimb milling throughout the entire toolpath where possible.

This is particularlyimportant in high-speed cutting. Exit material check boxselectedThe tool exits the materialand travels rapidly above thematerial to the next workingarea as shown above. The leadin path is the Lead in you define. Define the strategy with which the tool is plunginginto the material during the pocket roughing. Fromthis position, the tool moves to the pocket start point calculated bythe pocket algorithm.

Click the Data button to specify the positionwhere the tool plunges into the material. The start point must be selected using the Data button. Enter theramping angle value into the Angle edit box of the Angle rampingdialog box. SolidCAM does not check the ramping movement against the pocketcontour. Check the tool path simulation to make sure that the tooldoes not gouge the pocket walls or islands. When the tool reaches the step down depth,it machines all the material at the step down depth.

Click the Databutton to set the helical ramping parameters. The difference is that the descent is performed in a linear zigzagfashion rather than in a circular one. Choose the Helical option and click the Data button. The Helical ramping dialog box is displayed. This dialog box enables you to definethe ramping position and the related parameters for each chain used in the Pocketoperation.

Helical Ramping ParametersThe Tool step down parameter defines thedistance between each two adjacent turns of thetool helical movement.

The Angle parameter defines the ramping angle. The Radius parameter defines the radius of thedescending helix. Center cuttingIf your tool has center cutting capabilities, selectthe Center cutting check box.

In the Angle field,enter the descent angle that you would like thetool to follow. In the Radius field, enter theradius of the tool path helix. The working order is as follows If the tool does not have center cutting capabilities, do not select theCenter cutting check box. In the Tool step down field, enter the depth ofthe step down of the tool. Then it descends to thenext Tool step down.

ChainsThis section displays the list of all geometry chains defined for theoperation. All the chain entries are displayed under the Chains header. You can select chain entries in the list. When the Chains header is selected, SolidCAM displays the tool pathand default ramping positions for all of the chains. The circles representthe default helical ramping movement defined for each chain. When a chain entry is selected, SolidCAM displays the tool path and thedefault ramping position for this chain.

This position is automaticallydefined at the start position of the tool path segment relevant for thecurrent chain. You can change this position by picking a point on themodel or by entering the new position coordinates into the X, Y, Z dialogbox. The schematic circle facilitates the definition of the position. When the position is picked, it is marked on the model witha red dot. The coordinates of the picked point are displayed in theX, Y, Z dialog box. The start position of the tool path is marked on themodel with a yellow dot.

The circle of the tool path color represents thehelical movement of the tool plunging. Tool path start positionRamping positionWhen the ramping position is defined, the tool descends into the materialat the specified ramping position with helical movements according tothe defined parameters.

When it reaches the level of the first cutting pass,it moves to the start position of the tool path and performs machiningof the pocket. The Auto next button provides you with the selection mode that enablesyou to define the ramping positions for all of the chains one by one.

Confirm the dialog box with thebutton. The length of thenormal can be set in the Normal lengthfield. The distance between the normal andstart of the geometry is set in the Tangentextension field.

TangentExtensionNormal Length Thearc radius can be set in the Radius field. The length of the extension can be set inthe Tangent extension field. The distanceto the material can be set in the Tangentextension field.

TangentExtensionLengthWhen the Same as Lead in check box is selected, the strategy andparameters defined for Lead in are used for Lead out. Under Lead in, choose the Arc optionfrom the list and set the Tangent extensionvalue to 3 and the Radius value to 2.

The Pocket operation data is saved and the tool pathis calculated. Add a Drilling operationThis Drilling operation is used to perform thepreliminary center drilling of the four holes inthe corners of the model. The Drilling Operation dialog box is displayed. Define the Drill geometryIn the Geometry area, click thebutton. This dialog box enables you to select the geometry for drilling directly on the solidmodel. Due to the natureof spline curves or surface boundaries, youcannot pick a center position like you couldon a circle or an arc.

SolidCAM calculates thecenter position of an arc defined by threepoints positioned on the spline edges. Thisfacilitates selecting drill centers on splinesurfaces. Four drill positions are selected. Theircoordinates are displayed in bottompart of the Drill Geometry Selectiondialog box. Click the button to confirm the geometry selection. The Drilling Operation dialogbox is displayed. Click to start a new drilling tool definition.

From theDrilling Tools section, choose the Spot drill tool for theoperation. Spot DrillThis tool type is used for center drilling and chamfering in Drillingoperations. A tool of this type is defined with the parameters shown inthe image. Click the Select button to choose the tool for the operation. Click the Data tab. Define the spin and the feed for the operation. Define the center drilling depthSwitch to the Levels page of the Drilling Operationdialog box. Click the Drill depth button and selectthe upper face of the model.

The Drill depth value 0 appears in the relevant edit box. To perform the drilling down to the specified diameter of the tool, use the Depth typeoption. The Diameter value can vary from 0 all the way up to the drill tooldiameter. A value greater than the drill tool diameter is automaticallydecreased to the drill tool diameter. Choose the Diameter value option and set the value to 5. In this manner, the drilling is performed till the tooldiameter of 5 mm is reached at the depth of 0.

The Drilling operation data is saved and the toolpath is calculated. Simulate the operationSimulate the operation in theSolidVerify simulation mode. Add a Drilling operationAdd another Drilling operation to perform the through drilling of the holes. Define the GeometryThis operation is using the geometry that was defined inthe previous center drilling operation.

Choose the Drillgeometry from the list in the Geometry area. Each geometry defined in SolidCAM has a unique name. When the geometryis being defined, it is assigned a default name that can be changed.

Usingthis name, you can choose the geometry for a specific operation. Click the Data tab in the Tool page. Define the spin and feed for the operation. Define the Drilling depthThe overall height of the model is 10 mmplus the 5 mm bottom offset defined forthe stock.

The drilling has to be performeddeeper than this depth in order to enable thetool to exit from the material and performthe through drilling. Switch to the Levels page. Define the Upper level by clicking on the top face of the model as shown. Define the Drill depth. Rotate the model and select the bottom face as shown. Since the Z- offset defined for the stock model is 5mm, set the Delta value to To perform the through drilling, choose the Fulldiameter option in the Depth type area.

With thisoption, the drilling is performed until the fulldiameter is reached at the specified drill depth. This means that the conical part of the tool exitsfrom the material. In this operation, the pecking canned cycle is used for chip breaking.

With this cycle, the chip breaking is accomplished by slight retracts of the tool duringthe drilling process. Switch to the Technology page and click the Drill cycle type button. Available drillcycles are displayed. Click the Peck button. The cycle is chosen for the operation. Click the Data button to define the pecking parameters. The DrillOptions dialog box is displayed. Confirm the data with the OK button. The Drilling operation data is saved, and the tool path is calculated.

Simulate the operationSimulate the operation in the SolidVerify simulation mode. Since in the previous operation the drilling diameter was greater than that inthis operation, the drilling results in a chamfer on the drilled holes. Now you have successfully finished the exercise. The cover is machined on the 3-Axis milling CNC-machine using the machining vice. The part ismachined using two positionings. At the first stage, the workpiece is positioned in the vice as shown below.

At the next stage, the rest of the cover faces are machined using the second positioning. Load the SolidWorks modelLoad the Exercise3. The CAM-Part is defined. Select the CNC-machine controller. Click the arrow in the CNC-Machine section to display the list of post-processors installedon your system. Define the Stock modelIn this exercise, you have to define the Stock model before youdefine the Coordinate System in order to use the workpiece forthe CoordSys definition.

The stock Model dialog box isdisplayed. SolidCAM generates the stock box surrounding the model withthe specified allowances. In the Expand box at section, set thevalue of the Z- parameter direction to 5. This allowance is usedfor the first clamping. Set the value of 2 for the rest of thedirections. Click on the model. The face is highlighted, and the boxsurrounding the model is displayed. Click the Add box to CAD model button. Confirm the Model dialog box with thedisplayed.

The Milling Part Data dialog box is6. The CoordSys dialog box is displayed. In the Define CoordSys options list, choose the Define option. At first, you have todefine the Coordinate System origin location and then thepoints for the X- and Y-directions. Pick the origin point in the stock box corner as shown. Click on the stock model edge as shown to define the X-axis of the Coordinate System.

Click on the stock model edge as shown to define the Y-axis of the Coordinate System. When a point is selected, the next button is automatically activated. If youmiss the selection, you can at any time select the button you want to defineand continue automatically to the next button. The model is rotated,The CoordSys Data dialog box is displayed. Define the Part Lower level directly on the solid model. This parameter defines thelower surface level of the part to be milled. Click the Part Lower level button.

Rotate the model and select the lower facethat is milled using the first positioningas shown. The Z-coordinate of the face is displayed in the Pick Part Lowerlevel dialog box. Confirm this dialog box by clicking thebutton. Confirm the CoordSys Manager dialog box with thedialog box is displayed again. The Milling Part Data7. The target Model dialog box is displayed.

This dialog box enables you to define a 3D model for the Target. Its face highlighted. Thedefined CAM-Part is saved. Using the first defined Coordinate System first clamping , you have to perform thefollowing operations:Upper face machiningUpper profile machiningLower profile machiningHole pads machining Then the part has to be rotated and clamped again. With the second clamping, thefollowing operations are performed:Upper face machiningPocket machiningSlot machiningHoles machining The Face Milling operation is used for the upper facemachining.

Define the Face Milling geometryClick the button in the Geometry page. The Face MillingGeometry dialog box is displayed. Using the default Model option, click the Define button andclick on the solid model to select a face. In the Face Milling Geometry dialog box, define the 3 mm offsetto machine over the stock edges. In the Modify section, set theOffset value to 3. Confirm the Face Milling Geometry dialog box by clicking thebutton. This featurealso enables you to see a more realistic simulation in the SolidVerify simulation.

Switch to the Holder page in the Choosing Tool for Operation dialog box. This table containsa number of frequently used tool holder components. The Global holderstable can be modified by the user. Select the Use Holder check box to enable choosing a holder from the Global holderstable.

The Local and Global tool holders lists become available. The SolidCAM tool holder is defined by combining two components. The first component is the tool adaptor mounted on the spindle unitof the milling machine.

The second component can consist of varioustypes of extensions and reductions like collet chucks, arbors, shanks andother components that you may have. This collet chuck is suitable for the chosen tool diameter 40 mm. Choose the defined tool for the operation by clicking the Select button. The FaceMilling Operation dialog box is displayed. Click the Face depth buttonin the Milling levels area and select the model faceas shown.

Start Program CAM Settings User Documentation Mac Doc-Processor Example of User Documentation GPPL language GPPtool System variables GPPtool commands A-1 A. These capabilities provide you with the following: 1. This is done either to make small changes in the G-Code format for example or to customize the G-Code produced by the system in order to fit a certain template that the user is comfortable with. These files are: 1 machine.

The file [machine. Both these files can be generated and edited using any text-editor at the disposal of the user. The advantage of the internal post-processor is that it generates G-Code faster than the user-defined post-processor.

Chapter 2 describes the installation and running procedures. Chapter 3 describes the Pre-processor parameters that affect the tool-path generation in SolidCAM and that are included in the [machine. Chapter 4 describes the use of internal Fast Post-processor and User documentation. Chapter 6 describes the GPPtool system variables. Use the default iRough Technology type to define the rough machining of the center pocket feature.

Select the lower contour of the pocket for the Geometry definition. Pick the top face of the Stock model for the Upper level definition and the lower face of the pocket for the Pocket depth definition. Specify the roughing offsets. The default Cutting conditions generated by the Technology Wizard are used. The Link page displays the Ramping angle at which the Helical Entry into the pocket will be performed. This value is automatically calculated based on the aggressiveness of the Machining level slider.

An override check box is provided in the instance you want to manually enter a preferred value. Simulate the operation using the default Host CAD mode. The tool performs the Helical Entry into the pocket followed by a morphing spiral to the outer walls.

Define the finish machining of the center pocket. Specify the finishing offsets. The pocket corners are cleared first and then a final pass is taken along the walls. Define the machining of the pocket ledge In this step, the machining of the pocket ledge is defined.

For this example, the geometry is defined as a semi-open pocket. Use the default iRough Technology type to define the rough machining of the pocket ledge feature. Select the lower contour of the pocket ledge and then mark the front edge as open using Mark open edges. Pick the top face of the Stock model for the Upper level definition and the lower face of the pocket ledge for the Pocket depth definition. The tool approaches from the open edge and then performs the roughing tool path, first removing material from the middle of the ledge and then clearing its corners.

After the corners are cleared, the tool finishes the walls of the pocket ledge in a single cutting pass. Verify the tool path and generate GCode In this step, the iMachining tool path is verified. A GCode file is also generated and the iMachining technology is shown managing the Feed rates with each cutting move.

To verify the iMachining tool path for all operations at once, right-click the Operations header in the SolidCAM Manager and choose the Simulate command. This exercise is based on another SolidCAM Professor video series that uses the iMachining technology to define the machining of the part shown above. During the definition process, the most common need-to-know topics about iMachining are covered in detail.

Adding a new Machine and Material to the iDatabase After the part file is loaded on your computer, the following video demonstrates adding a new Machine and Material to the iMachining Database as well as defining the important parameters that are required by the iMachining technology. Finally, the machining of the outside contour is defined using the iRough and iFinish Technology types in iMachining. Using the iMachining Technology Wizard In the following video, the iMachining Technology Wizard is discussed in detail and some of the different settings are used to control the Cutting conditions calculations.

Using the iRest Technology type prior to finishing With iMachining, it is possible to use iFinish directly after iRough.

In the following video however, there are narrow areas and corners inside the pocket where the roughing tool cannot fit. In such cases, the iRest Technology type is then used to remove the rest material prior to finishing. The importance of the iRest Data is also explained in detail. The Tool definition and its effects on iMachining In the following video, the Tool definition and its important parameters related to iMachining are covered in detail.

Also shown is how the Wizard calculates the depths and what the importance of ACPs are when machining. There are standard 2. Two chains are defined, with the first being the stock boundary and the second being the profile around the part.

The stock chain is marked as open, which specifies the tool should start machining from that chain. A Delta depth is specified for both operations, so the tool machines deeper than the part bottom edge. Five chains are defined, which represent the five through pockets. Two boundaries are picked off the edges the make up the chamfers. Since all ten pockets have the same depth, they can all be machined in one operation.

The tool enters the remaining pockets using helical ramping and the defined entry geometry. Customized linking is used to allow short repositions and smooth transitions when starting each cut. Two chains are defined, with the first being the stock boundary and the second being the bottom of the floor radius. The floor radius is not machined at this time. This excess material was used for clamping in the first setup. In this case, the default allowance can be used since the desired wall was finished during the top side machining.

Two chains are defined, with the first being the outside boundary of the face and the second being an offset edge created in SolidWorks. The chain is defined as the bottom edge of the radius. For additional documentation and many more Professor videos, visit us on the web at www. With its Morphing spiral tool paths, controlled tool load at each point along the tool path, moating of islands to enable continuous spiral cuts, even with multiple islands, and automatic thin wall avoidance, iMachining brings efficiency to a new level for CAM users.

The integration ensures the automatic update of tool paths for CAD revisions. Open navigation menu. Close suggestions Search Search. User Settings. Pocket Recognition This Operation recognizes automatically pocket features at the target model and creates the necessary machining. Contour 3D Operation This operation enables you to utilize the power of the 3D Engraving technology for the 3D contour machining.

Thread Milling Operation This operation enables you to generate a helical tool path for the machining of internal and external threads with thread mills. You have to define several 2. In the process of definition of operations, you have to define the machining geometry, the tool and several technological parameters. The CAM-Part is loaded. The Face Milling Operation dialog box is displayed.

In this operation, the upper face is machined. The Face Milling Geometry dialog box is displayed. The rectangle chain is displayed in the Chain List section. The Define button and the related box enable you either to define a new faces geometry with the Select Faces dialog box or choose an already defined geometry from the list. When the model faces are selected, SolidCAM generates a number of chains surrounding the selected faces.

These chains are displayed in the Chain List section. The Define button and the related box enable you either to define a new profile geometry with the Geometry Edit dialog box or choose an already defined geometry from the list. The defined chains are displayed in the Chain List section. Click the Define button. The 3D Geometry dialog box is displayed. You can select an object by clicking on it.

When an object is selected, its icon is displayed in the list in the bottom of the dialog box. To unselect the object, click on it again or right-click its icon in the list of selected elements and choose Unselect from the menu. To remove selection from all objects in the list, click Unselect all. Click on the solid model to select it. The model is highlighted, and its icon appears in the list. Confirm the 3D Geometry dialog box by clicking.

The Face Milling Geometry dialog box is displayed again. The rectangle is generated surrounding the target model at the XY-plane. Confirm the Face Milling Geometry dialog box by clicking. The geometry is defined for the operation. Start the tool definition by clicking the Select button. The Choosing tool for operation dialog box with the Part Tool Table is displayed.

This dialog box enables you to manage the tools contained in the Part Tool Table. Define a new tool suitable for face milling. Click the Add Milling Tool button to start the tool definition. The new pane containing available tools is displayed. This dialog box enables you to add a new tool to the tool library choosing from the tools available for the current operation. Face mill This tool type is used for machining of large flat surfaces. A tool of this type is defined with the parameters shown in the image.

Click the Face depth button in the Milling levels area. This button enables you to define the Operation Lower level directly on the solid model. The depth is calculated automatically as the difference between the Z-values of the Operation Upper and Lower levels. Select the model face as shown. The lower level value 0 is determined and displayed in the Pick Lower level dialog box.

Confirm this dialog box with. The Face depth value is displayed in the Milling levels area. The pink background of the edit box means that the parameter is associative to the model. Associativity enables the selected level to be synchronized with the solid model changes; SolidCAM automatically updates the CAM data when the model is modified.

Define the technological parameters Switch to the Technology page of the Face Milling Operation dialog box. In the Technology section, choose the One Pass option. The direction and location of the pass are calculated automatically according to the face geometry, in order to generate an optimal tool movement with the tool covering the whole geometry.

Selecting the One pass option automatically opens the One pass tab that enables you to define the machining parameters. The Hatch angle section enables you to define the angle between the tool path and the geometry. The Extension section enables you to define the tool path extension over the face edges. The Face Milling operation data is saved, and the tool path is calculated. The Simulation control panel is displayed. Switch to the SolidVerify page and start the simulation with the button.

The solid stock model defined in Exercise 1 is used in the SolidVerify simulation mode. During the machining simulation process, SolidCAM subtracts the tool movements using solid Boolean operations from the solid model of the stock. The remaining machined stock is a solid model that can be dynamically zoomed or rotated. It can also be compared to the target model in order to show the rest material. During the simulation, you can rotate , move , or zoom the model.

Use these options to see the machining area in details. The Single step mode can be used to simulate the next tool movement by clicking the button or by using the space bar on your keyboard. Close the simulation with the button.

Close this dialog box with the Exit button. The Profile Operation dialog box is displayed. In this operation, the external profile is machined. Define the Geometry The first step of definition of each operation is the Geometry selection. At this stage, you have to define the Geometry for the Profile operation using the solid model geometry.

Click in the Geometry page of the Profile Operation dialog box. This dialog box enables you to add and edit geometry chains. When this dialog box is displayed, you can select solid model entities for the Geometry definition. The following options are available: Curve This option enables you to create a chain of existing curves and edges by selecting them one after the other.

Associativity: SolidCAM keeps the associativity to any edge or sketch entity. Any change made to the model or sketch automatically updates the selected geometry. Loop This option enables you to select a loop by picking one of the model edges. Loop 2 Loop 1 1. Pick an edge shared by two model faces. Two faces to which this edge belongs are determined, and their loops are highlighted. The first determined loop is considered to be the primary and is highlighted with yellow color.

The second loop is considered to be the secondary and is highlighted with blue color. Choose one of the loops. Click on any other edge forming the face.

You are prompted to accept the chain that is now highlighted with yellow color. Accept the chain with the Yes button. A closed geometry chain is defined on this loop, and the secondary loop is rejected. Associativity: SolidCAM does not keep the associativity to any selected point.

Any change made to the model or sketch does not update the selected geometry. You cannot select a point that is not located on a SolidWorks entity if you need to select such a point, add a planar surface under the model and select the points on that surface.

Whenever the model is changed and synchronized, the geometry is updated with the model. Automatic selection options SolidCAM automatically determines the chain entities and close the chain contour. The Auto select mode offers the following options: Auto-to The chain is selected by specifying the start curve, the direction of the chain and the element up to which the chain is created.

SolidCAM enables you to choose any model edge, vertex or sketch entity to determine the chain end. The chain selection is terminated when the selected end item is reached. The chain is automatically closed.

End entity Start entity Selected chain The confirmation message is displayed. The Auto-to option is useful if you do not want to define a closed chain, but an open chain up to a certain element. Auto-general SolidCAM highlights all the entities that are connected to the last chain entity. You have to select the entity along which you want the chain to continue. You are prompted to identify the next chain element when two entities on the same Z-level are connected to the chain. Auto-Delta Z When you select this option, you are required to enter a positive and negative Z-deviation into the Delta-Z dialog box.

Only entities in this range are identified as the next possible entity of the chain. In this exercise, the geometry must be defined as shown. The red arrow indicates the direction of the geometry. In Profile milling, the tool moves in the direction of the geometry by default.

In this exercise, the combination of the geometry direction and the clockwise direction of the Geometry tool revolution enables you to direction perform climb milling.

When you pick the first chain entity on the solid model, SolidCAM determines the start point of the picked entity closest to the picked position. The direction of the picked first chain entity is defined automatically from the start point to the picked position.

Starting point Direction Picked position Geometry chain Choose the Loop option in the Chain section and click on the model edge as shown. Notice that the picked position must be close to the start point of the geometry.

The red arrow indicates the direction of the selected chain. Click the secondary chain highlighted with blue color to choose it for geometry definition. The confirmation message is displayed. Confirm it with Yes. The picked chain is now highlighted with red color, and the second chain is rejected.

The chain icon is displayed in the Chain List section. At this stage, the Geometry is defined. Confirm the Geometry selection with.

Define the Tool At this stage, you have to define the tool for the Profile milling. Switch to the Tool page of the Profile Operation dialog box and click the Select button. The Part Tool Table with the tool used in the previous operation is displayed. In the Tool parameter section, under Topology, set the Diameter value to Click the Select button to confirm the tool parameters and choose the tool for the operation. Set the Spin rate used in rough milling value to The Spin finish used in finish milling value is automatically set to The Spin finish check box enables you to optionally define different values for Spin rate and Spin finish.

When this check box is selected, the corresponding edit box is available so that you can edit its value. When this check box is not selected, the specified Spin rate value is used for both rough and finish machining.

Select the check box near the Feed finish feed rate for finish milling parameter and set the value to The Feed finish check box enables you to optionally define different values for Feed XY and Feed finish. When this check box is not selected, the specified Feed XY value is used for both rough and finish machining. SolidCAM enables you to define the milling levels using the solid model data. Upper Level This parameter defines the Z-level at which the machining starts.

Profile Depth Coord. System This parameter defines the Z-level Z X below which the tool does not mill. Upper Y This plane is not penetrated in any Level Profile milling strategy.

The Pick Upper level dialog box is displayed. The Upper Level value 0 is determined and displayed in the Pick Upper level dialog box. Confirm this dialog box by clicking.

Click the Profile depth button in the Milling levels area. The Pick Lower level dialog box is displayed. Pick the bottom edge of the model as shown. The Lower level value is determined and displayed in the Pick Lower level dialog box. The Delta depth parameter defines the offset for the cutting depth that can be changed with its associativity preserved. The Delta value is always relative to the Profile Depth defined for the operation. Set the Delta value to The milling levels are defined. Define the technological parameters Switch to the Technology page of the Profile Operation dialog box.

First, you need to make sure that the tool position relative to the geometry is correct. In the Modify section, check the Tool side option. Right — the tool cuts on the right side of the profile geometry.

Left — the tool cuts on the left side of the profile geometry. Center— the center of the tool moves on the profile geometry no compensation G4x can be used with this option. Right Left Center The Geometry button displays the Modify Geometry dialog box that enables you to define the modification parameters of the geometry and to choose which geometry chains are active in the operation in case of multiple chain geometry.

The chain geometry of the profile is displayed on the model with the chain direction indicated and a circle representing the tool relative to the geometry. In this case, the default Left option meets the requirements of climb milling. Click the Geometry button to check the tool position. This tool position is correct. Click in the Modify Geometry dialog box.

The Profile Operation dialog box is displayed again. SolidCAM enables you to perform the rough and finish machining of the profile in a single Profile operation. Select the Rough check box. Define the Step down parameter for roughing. Step down Step down Profile roughing is performed in Upper constant Z-passes.

The Step down level parameter defines the distance between each two successive Profile Z-levels. With this value, SolidCAM performs two cuts at the following Z-levels: -5, ; the last cut is performed at the Z-level defined by Profile depth. Now you need to define the wall offset that will remain after the roughing passes. Offsets The Wall offset and Floor offset parameters enable you to define the allowances that remain on the walls and the floor of the machined part till the profile finish machining.

These allowances can be removed with the finish passes in the same Profile operation or in an additional Profile operation with another tool. The allowance of 0. This allowance will be removed with a separate finishing cut in the end of the profile machining.

This page enables you to define the way the tool approaches the profile and retreats away. Profile Lead in and Lead out The lead-in movement is necessary to prevent vertical entering of the tool into the material. With the lead-in strategies the tool descends to the machining level outside of the material and then horizontally penetrates the material with the lead-in movement.

The lead-out strategy enables you to perform the retract movements outside the material. The length of the normal can be set in the Normal length field. Tangent Extension The distance between the normal and material is set in the Tangent extension field. The arc Tangent radius can be set in the Radius field. Extension The length of the extension can be set in the Tangent extension field. The arc angle is set in the Arc angle field. The length of Length the tangent can be set in the Length Tangent field.

The distance to the material Extension can be set in the Tangent extension field. From this position, the tool moves on a straight line to the start point of the profile. Tangent When you select this option, the Extension Pick button is activated so that you can select a position directly on the solid model.

The distance between the point and material is set in the Tangent extension field. When you select this option, you can define a geometry of the tool approach to the material.

When the Same as Lead in check box is selected, the strategy and parameters defined for Lead in are used for Lead out. Under Lead in, choose the Arc option from the list, then set the Tangent extension value to 5 and the Radius value to 2.

The definition of the basic technological parameters of profile milling is finished. The Profile operation data is saved, and the tool path is calculated. Simulate the operation Click the Simulate button in the Profile Operation dialog box.

Switch to the SolidVerify page and start the simulation with the Play button. When the simulation is finished, play the it step by step using the button. Since all the View options of SolidWorks are active during the simulation, you can see the tool path from different perspectives and zoom on a certain area of the model.

Close the simulation with the Exit button. Add a Pocket operation The Pocket operation is used for the internal pocket machining. The Pocket Operation dialog box is displayed. Define the Geometry The geometry for a Pocket operation is generally represented by closed chains.

In this exercise, you have to define a chain using the solid model edges. Click the button in the Geometry page to start the geometry definition. The Geometry Edit dialog box is displayed. Using the Loop option, define the chain as shown. Confirm the geometry definition by clicking.

Define the Tool Switch to the Tool page and click the Select button. The Part Tool Table is displayed. Click the to start the tool definition. The Milling Tools table is displayed.

Choose the End mill tool for the operation. In the Topology page, set the Diameter value to 8. Define the Milling levels Switch to the Levels page of the Pocket Operation dialog box and define upper and lower levels of machining directly on the solid model. Define the Upper level as shown. The Upper levelvalue 0 is determined. Define the Pocket depth by clicking on the pocket bottom face as shown.

The Pocket depth value 8 is determined. Set the Step down value to 4 to perform the pocket machining in two equal steps. Define the technological parameters Switch to the Technology page of the Pocket Operation dialog box. In the Offsets section, set the Wall offset and the Floor offset values to 0. These offsets remain unmachined during roughing and are removed with the further finishing. In the Finish area, select the Wall and Floor check boxes.

These options enable you to perform finishing of the Wall offset and Floor offset that remain after the roughing. Define the machining strategy. Make sure that the default Contour option is chosen in the Technology section. When the Contour strategy is chosen, the tool moves on offsets parallel to the pocket contour.

Switch to the Contour tab to display the Contour parameters. This page enables you to define the parameters of the Contour strategy. The Min. If the given radius is too large for a specific corner, it produces the largest possible radius at that point.

Sometimes the fillet option can leave some material. This particularly happens if the given radius is large. The tool path forms a loop in the corner, preventing an abrupt change of direction. Although this produces a sharp movement by the tool, the path itself is slightly shorter than the smooth corner option.

This can help cut down on machining time. This option is not recommended for high-speed cutting. Direction This option enables you to choose climb or conventional milling for the roughing operation. The connection points are located on the line, which is normal to the tool path. The connection points may not lie on one line forming an angle with the line normal to the tool path.

Exit material check box not Exit material check box selected selected When the tool moves from one The tool exits the material working area to the next, it moves and travels rapidly above the through the full material around material to the next working the island to get to the next area as shown above.

The lead working area as shown above. Connect islands This option enables you to keep the same cutting direction conventional or climb milling throughout the entire tool path where possible. This is particularly important in high-speed cutting. This operation will be performed with the default Contour parameters. Define the strategy with which the tool is plunging into the material during the pocket roughing.

From this position, the tool moves to the pocket start point calculated by the pocket algorithm. Click the Data button to specify the position where the tool plunges into the material. The start point must be selected using the Data button. Enter the ramping angle value into the Angle edit box of the Angle ramping dialog box.

SolidCAM does not check the ramping movement against the pocket contour. Check the tool path simulation to make sure that the tool does not gouge the pocket walls or islands. When the tool reaches the step down depth, it machines all the material at the step down depth. Click the Data button to set the helical ramping parameters.

The difference is that the descent is performed in a linear zigzag fashion rather than in a circular one.



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As the geometry of 3 — axis machining using a three-dimensional surface or solid model. The system supports various types of strategies for roughing and finishing , such as RIP to the specified or automatically determined by the angle of the raster processing of equidistant, projection processing, handling at the waterline, etc. In addition to the listed capacity 2,5 — and 3-axis machining, SolidCAM SP0 provides tools to identify and refine areas not treated in previous transitions.

You can create a database of standard processes. Once created, a parameterized process can be reused in the future , which significantly reduces the pre- production, improves the reliability of the developed programs, unifies the style of technological development , ensures that only the best technologies for processing and manufacturing ensures the independence of the human factor. Lack zarezany guaranteed availability of funds control and visualization of machining.

Multi-Processing SolidCAM SP0 provides various means of creating control programs of the multi -processing of 4 — and 5- axis machining centers. The model is set in a user-plane processing, after which the system automatically calculates all necessary parameters for the displacement and rotation of zero items.

The Target model describes the one that has to be reached afterthe machining. After every operation, SolidCAM calculates how much material wasactually removed from the CAM-Part and how much material remains unmachined restmaterial. The rest material information enables SolidCAM to automatically optimizethe tool path and avoid the air cutting.

Operations definition SolidCAM enables you to define a number of milling operations. During an operationdefinition you have to select the Geometry, choose the tool from the Part Tool Table or define a new one , define a machining strategy and a number of technologicalparameters. At this stage, you have to define the CAM-Part name and location. Choosing a CNC-controller is a necessary step. The controllertype influences the Coordinate System definition and the Geometry definition.

SolidCAM enables you to define the stock model that describesthe initial state of the workpiece to be machined. SolidCAM enables you to define the model of the part in itsfinal state after the machining. Load the SolidWorks modelLoad the Exercise1. This model contains a number of features forming the solid body of the cover. You canenter the path or use the Browse button to define the location.

You can give any name to identify yourmachining project. By default, SolidCAM uses the name of the designmodel. The name is, by default,the name of the active SolidWorks document. In this case, the chosen SolidWorks document is loaded into SolidWorks.

When the date of the original SolidWorks model is laterthan the date of the CAM-Part creation, this means thatthe SolidWorks original model has been updated. The CAM-Part is defined, and its structure is created. The Milling Part Data dialog box is displayed.

Click the arrow in the CNC-Machine area to display the list of post-processors installed onyour system. It corresponds with the built-in controllerfunctions. You can define the Coordinate System origin position and axes orientationby selecting model faces, vertices, edges, or SolidWorks CoordinateSystems.

The geometry for the machining can also be defined directlyon the solid model. If you need to machine the partfrom different sides, use several Machine Coordinate Systems withthe Z-axis oriented normally to the machined sides.

In this exercise, it is enough todefine one Machine CoordinateSystem with the Z-axis orientedupwards. Such coordinate system enablesyou to machine the part with asingle clamping. DefineThis method enables you to define theCoordinate System by selecting points. Youhave to define the origin and the direction ofthe X- and Y-axes. The CoordSysorigin will lie in the origin of the SolidWorks Coordinate System, and theZ-axis will be directed normally to the chosen view of the model.

By 3 Points Associative This option enables you to define the Coordinate System by selectingany 3 points. Select the model faceWith the Select Face method chosen,click on the model face as shown. The CoordSys origin is automaticallydefined in the corner of the model box.

The Z-axis of the CoordSys is normal tothe selected face. Model box SolidCAM calculates the box surrounding the model. The upper planeof the model box is parallel to the XY-plane of the defined CoordSys. The CoordSys is located in the corner of the model box. Confirm by clicking theThe CoordSys Data dialog box is displayed. The Coordinate System is defined. The default value is 1. If you use another number,the GCode file contains the G-function that prompts the machine to usethe specified number stored in the machine controller of your machine.

The Position field defines the sequential number of the CoordSys. Foreach Machine Coordinate System, several Position values are defined fordifferent positionings; each such Position value is related to the MachineCoordSys.

The Plane box defines the default work plane for the operationsu tng this CoordSys, as it ts output to the CCode program. Shift is the distance from the Machine Coordinate System to the locationof the Position in the coordinate system and the orientation of theMachine Coordinate System.

The Front and Rear tabs contain sets of facial machining levels describingthe planes parallel to the XY-plane and located along the Z-axis. The Front tab displays levels for milling from the positive Z-direction. The Rear tab displays levels for milling from the negative Z-direction. The negative Z-direction can be used in case of milling of the part fromthe back side with the same Coordinate System in the main spindle or incase of using the back spindle.

The Radial tab contains a set of machining levels describing the virtualcylinders situated around the Z-axis. This level is related to the CoordSys position andyou have to check if it is not over the limit switch of the machine. It is highly recommended to send the tool to the reference point orto a point related to the reference point.

The Create planar surface at Part Lower level option enables you togenerate a transparent planar surface at the minimal Z-level of the partso that its lower level plane is visible. This planar surface provides youthe possibility to select points that do not lie on the model entities. This dialog boxdisplays the Machine CoordSys. Confirm the CoordSys Manager dialog box with thebutton. The Milling Part Data dialog box is displayed again.

Define the Stock modelFor each Milling project, you can define the Stock model, which is the workpiece that isplaced on the machine before you start machining the CAM-Part.

The Model dialog box is displayed. This dialog box enables youto choose the mode of the Stock model definition. When you choose this mode, theSTL file section becomes available.

By clicking the Browse button,you can choose the STL file for the stock definition. Choose the Box mode from the Defined by list. The appearing dialog box enables youto select a solid body for the surrounding box calculation.

Optionally, offsets from the model can be defined. Click on the solid body. One of its faces is highlighted. SolidCAM automatically generates the surrounding box. By default, when you create a new CAM-Part, stock and targetmodels are defined automatically. If you have not changed thedefault settings, the solid body is highlighted, and the targetmodel is already chosen in the Type section.

Click on the solid body to clear the selection. Notice that theSolid 1 icon is also removed from the Type section. Click onthe solid body once again. The face is selected, the Solid 1 iconappears in the Type section, and the target model is defined. The defined CAM-Part is saved. At this stage, the definition of the CAM-Part is finished. There are two components in thisassembly:DesignModel.

This enables you to create auxiliary geometries i. You can also insert someadditional components into the assembly file such as stock model, CNCmachinetable, clamping and other tooling elements. By rightclickingit, you can display the menu to manage your CAM-Parts.

Double-click this subheader to review your machine configurationand parameters. CAM-Part Definitionheader. Double-click this subheader to display the CoordSys Managerdialog box that enables you to manage your Coordinate Systems. Double-click this subheader to load the Part Settings dialog box thatenables you to edit the settings defined for the current CAM-Part. By right-clicking it, you candisplay the menu to define and manage your fixtures. The CAM-Part is closed. SolidCAM offers you the following types of 2.

A workpiece is usually manufactured usingseveral machining steps and technologies. For each of these steps you can define a separateoperation. An operation can be very complex, but it always uses one tool, one major geometryand executes one machining type, e. Profile Milling or Drilling. You can edit any single machiningoperation, change the operation sequence and generate the GCode, combining and splitting theoperation list of your CAM-Part.

The Machining Geometry has to be defined for each operation. Chain geometries are defined by selecting thefollowing entities: edges of models, 2D curves, 3D curves, circles, lines and splines. Each chain is composed of one or more entities and defines an open or closed contour. Profile OperationYou can mill on or along a contour. The profile geometry canbe open or closed. In profile milling you can optionally usetool radius compensation to the right or to the left side of thegeometry.

Pocket OperationIn pocket milling, you have to remove material from the interior ofa closed geometry. You can define anunlimited number of islands within a single pocket. Slot OperationThis operation generates a tool path along the centerline to theright or to the left of one or more profiles. Two types of slots canbe defined: the Slot with constant depth operation machines theslot in several steps until the final depth is reached.

In Slot withvariable depth, the depth profile is also defined by a 2D section. The slot can be pre-machined using rough and semi-finish cycles. The finish cut produces a tool path according to the specifiedscallop height on the floor of the slot. With available parametersfor the right and left extension and the side step, you can milla slot wider than the tool diameter.

T-Slot OperationThis operation enables you to machine slots in vertical walls witha slot mill tool. Drilling OperationThis operation enables you to perform drills and other canneddrill cycles.

SolidCAM supports the canned drill cycles providedby your particular CNC-machine such as threading, peck, ream,boring, etc. Inthis operation drilling on different levels can be carried out. The drilling levels are automatically recognized but may beedited by the user. Pocket RecognitionThis Operation recognizes automatically pocket features atthe target model and creates the necessary machining. Contour 3D OperationThis operation enables you to utilize the power of the 3D Engravingtechnology for the 3D contour machining.

Thread Milling OperationThis operation enables you to generate a helical tool path forthe machining of internal and external threads with threadmills. You have to define several 2. In the process of definition of operations, you have to definethe machining geometry, the tool and several technologicalparameters. The CAM-Part is loaded. The Face Milling Operation dialog box is displayed. In this operation, the upper face is machined. The FaceMilling Geometry dialog box is displayed.

Therectangle chain is displayed in the Chain List section. Face Milling geometry The Define button and the related box enable you either todefine a new faces geometry with the Select Faces dialog box or choosean already defined geometry from the list. When the model faces areselected, SolidCAM generates a number of chains surrounding theselected faces.

These chains are displayed in the Chain List section. The Define button and the related box enable you eitherto define a new profile geometry with the Geometry Edit dialog box orchoose an already defined geometry from the list.

The defined chains aredisplayed in the Chain List section. In the Type section, use the default Model option for the Face Milling geometrydefinition. Click the Define button. The 3D Geometry dialog box is displayed. You can select an object by clicking on it. When anobject is selected, its icon is displayed in the list inthe bottom of the dialog box.

To unselect the object,click on it again or right-click its icon in the list ofselected elements and choose Unselect from themenu. To remove selection from all objects in thelist, click Unselect all.

Click on the solid model to select it. Themodel is highlighted, and its icon appearsin the list. Confirm the 3D Geometrydialog box by clicking the button. The Face Milling Geometry dialog box isdisplayed again.

The rectangle is generated surroundingthe target model at the XY-plane. Confirm the Face Milling Geometrydialog box by clicking the button. The geometry is defined for the operation. Start the tool definitionby clicking the Select button. Currently, the Part Tool Table is empty. Define a new tool suitable for face milling.

Click the Add Milling Tool button to start the tool definition. The new pane containing available tools is displayed. This dialog box enables you to add a new tool to the tool library choosing from thetools available for the current operation. Face millThis tool type is used for machining of large flat surfaces.

A tool of thistype is defined with the parameters shown in the image. Click the Select button to confirm the tool parameters and choose the tool for theoperation. Click the Facedepth button in the Milling levels area. This button enables you to define the OperationLower level directly on the solid model.

The depth is calculated automatically as thedifference between the Z-values of the Operation Upper and Lower levels. The Pick Lower level dialog box isdisplayed. Select the model face as shown. The lower level value 0 is determined and displayed in the Pick Lower level dialog box. Confirm this dialog box with the button. The Face depth value is displayed in the Millinglevels area. The pink background of the edit boxmeans that the parameter is associative to themodel.

Associativity enables the selected level tobe synchronized with the solid model changes; SolidCAM automatically updates the CAM datawhen the model is modified.

Define the technological parametersSwitch to the Technology page of the Face Milling Operation dialog box. In theTechnology section, choose the One Pass option. The direction and locationof the pass are calculated automaticallyaccording to the face geometry, inorder to generate an optimal toolmovement with the tool covering thewhole geometry.

Selecting the One pass optionautomatically opens the One passtab that enables you to define themachining parameters. The Extension section enables you to define the tool path extensionover the face edges. The Face Milling operation data is saved, and the tool path is calculated. TheSimulation control panel is displayed. Switch to the SolidVerify page and startthe simulation with thebutton. The solid stock model defined in Exercise 1 is used in the SolidVerifysimulation mode. During the machining simulation process, SolidCAM subtracts the tool movements using solid Boolean operations from thesolid model of the stock.

The remaining machined stock is a solid modelthat can be dynamically zoomed or rotated. It can also be compared to thetarget model in order to show the rest material. During the simulation, you can rotate , move , or zoom themodel. Use these options to see the machining area in details. The Single step mode can be used to simulate the next tool movement byclicking the button or by using the space bar on your keyboard. Close the simulation with the button. The Face Milling Operation dialog box isdisplayed.

Close this dialog box with the Exit button. The Profile Operation dialog box isdisplayed. In this operation, the external profile ismachined. Define the GeometryThe first step of definition of each operation is the Geometry selection. At this stage,you have to define the Geometry for the Profile operation using the solid modelgeometry.

Click in the Geometry page of the Profile Operation dialog box. This dialog box enables you to add and editgeometry chains. When this dialog box is displayed, you can select solid model entitiesfor the Geometry definition. Chain Selection OptionsYou can define the geometry by selecting edges,sketch segments and points on the contour.

The following options are available:CurveThis option enables you to create a chain ofexisting curves and edges by selecting themone after the other. Associativity: SolidCAM keeps the associativity to any edge or sketchentity.

Any change made to the model or sketch automatically updatesthe selected geometry. LoopThis option enables you to select a loop by picking one of the modeledges.

Loop 2Loop Pick an edge shared by two model faces. Two faces towhich this edge belongs are determined, and their loopsare highlighted. The first determined loop is consideredto be the primary and is highlighted with yellow color.

The second loop is considered to be the secondary andis highlighted with blue color. Choose one of the loops. Click on any other edgeforming the face. You are prompted to accept the chainthat is now highlighted with yellow color. Accept thechain with the Yes button. A closed geometry chain isdefined on this loop, and the secondary loop is rejected. Point to pointThis option enables you to connect specified points; the points areconnected by a straight line. Associativity: SolidCAM does not keep the associativity to any selectedpoint.

Any change made to the model or sketch does not update theselected geometry. You cannot select a point that is not located on aSolidWorks entity if you need to select such a point, adda planar surface under the model and select the pointson that surface. Whenever the model is changed and synchronized,the geometry is updated with the model. Any change made to the model or sketch does notupdate the selected geometry. Automatic selection options SolidCAM automatically determines the chainentities and close the chain contour.

The Autoselect mode offers the following options:Auto-toThe chain is selected by specifying the start curve,the direction of the chain and the element up towhich the chain is created. SolidCAM enablesyou to choose any model edge, vertex or sketchentity to determine the chain end. The chain selection is terminated when the selectedend item is reached.

End entityStart entitySelected chain If the chosen end item cannot be reached by the chain flow, the chaindefinition is terminated when the start chain segment is reached. Thechain is automatically closed. End entityStart entitySelected chainThe confirmation message is displayed.

The Auto-to option is useful if you do not want to definea closed chain, but an open chain up to a certain element. Auto-general SolidCAM highlights all the entities that are connected to the last chainentity. You have to select the entity along which you want the chain tocontinue. You are prompted to identify thenext chain element when two entities on the same Z-level are connectedto the chain. Auto-Delta ZWhen you select this option, you are required to enter a positive andnegative Z-deviation into the Delta-Z dialog box.

Only entities in thisrange are identified as the next possible entity of the chain. In this exercise, the geometry must be defined as shown. The red arrow indicates the direction of the geometry. In SolidCAM operations, thedirection of the chain geometryis used for the tool pathcalculation.

In Profile milling,the tool moves in the directionof the geometry by default. Inthis exercise, the combinationof the geometry direction andthe clockwise direction of thetool revolution enables you toperform climb milling.

Tool movementdirectionGeometrydirectionTool revolutiondirectionWhen you pick the first chain entity on the solid model, SolidCAM determines the start point of the picked entity closest to the pickedposition. The direction of the picked first chain entity is definedautomatically from the start point to the picked position. Starting pointDirectionPicked positionGeometry chainChoose the Loop option in the Chain section and click on the model edge as shown.

Notice that the pickedposition must be close to thestart point of the geometry. The red arrow indicates the direction of the selected chain. Click the secondary chain highlighted with blue color to choose it for geometrydefinition. The picked chain is now highlighted with red color, and the second chain is rejected.

The confirmation message is displayed. Confirm it with the Yesbutton. The chain icon is displayed in the Chain List section. At this stage, the Geometry is defined. Confirm the Geometry selection withthe button.

The Profile Operation dialog box is displayed. Define the ToolAt this stage, you have to define the tool for the Profile milling. Switch to the Tool page of the Profile Operation dialog box and click the Select button. The Part Tool Table with the tool used in the previous operation is displayed. Click the End Mill tool to choose it for the operation. In the Tool parameter section,under Topology, set the Diameter value to Set the Spin rate used in rough milling value to TheSpin finish used in finish milling value is automatically setto When this check box is selected, thecorresponding edit box is available so that you can edit its value.

Whenthis check box is not selected, the specified Spin rate value is used forboth rough and finish machining. Select thecheck box near the Feed finish feed rate for finish milling parameter and set the value to The Feed finish check box enables you to optionally define differentvalues for Feed XY and Feed finish. Whenthis check box is not selected, the specified Feed XY value is used forboth rough and finish machining.

SolidCAM enables you to define the milling levels using the solid model data. Upper LevelThis parameter defines the Z-level at which the machining starts. Profile DepthThis parameter defines the Z-level below which the tool does not mill. This plane is not penetrated in any milling strategy. The Pick Upper level dialogbox is displayed. The Upper Level value 0 is determinedand displayed in the Pick Upper leveldialog box.

Confirm this dialog box byclicking the button. Click the Profile depth button in theMilling levels area. The Pick Lower level dialog box is displayed.

Pick the bottom edge of the model asshown. The Lower level value is determinedand displayed in the Pick Lower leveldialog box. Confirm this dialog box withthe button. The Delta depth parameter defines the offset for the cutting depththat can be changed with its associativity preserved.

The Delta depthvalue is always relative to the Profile Depth defined for the operation. Set the Delta depth value to The milling levels are defined. Define the technological parametersSwitch to the Technology page of the Profile Operation dialog box. First, you need to make sure that the tool position relative to the geometry is correct. In the Modify section, check the Tool side option. ModifyThe Tool side option enables you to determine the tool position relativeto the geometry.

Right — the tool cuts on the right side of the profile geometry. Left — the tool cuts on the left side of the profile geometry. Center — the center of the tool moves on the profile geometry nocompensation G4x can be used with this option. Left Right CenterThe Geometry button displays the Modify Geometry dialog box thatenables you to define the modification parameters of the geometryand to choose which geometry chains are active in the operation incase of multiple chain geometry.

The chain geometry of the profileis displayed on the model with the chain direction indicated anda circle representing the tool relative to the geometry. In this case, the default Left option meets therequirements of climb milling. Click the Geometry buttonto check the tool position. Click the button in the ModifyGeometry dialog box. The ProfileOperation dialog box is displayed again.

SolidCAM enables you to perform the rough and finish machining of the profile ina single Profile operation. Select the Rough check box. Definethe Step down parameter for roughing. Step downProfile roughing is performed inconstant Z-passes. The Step downparameter defines the distancebetween each two successiveZ-levels. Step downUpperlevelProfiledepthSet the Step down to 5.

With this value, SolidCAM performs two cuts at the following Z-levels: -5, ; the lastcut is performed at the Z-level defined by Profile depth. Now you need to define the wall offset that will remain after the roughing passes.

OffsetsThe Wall offset and Floor offset parameters enable you to define theallowances that remain on the walls and the floor of the machined parttill the profile finish machining. These allowances can be removed withthe finish passes in the same Profile operation or in an additional Profileoperation with another tool.

Theallowance of 0. This allowance will be removed witha separate finishing cut in the end of the profile machining. Select the Finish check box to perform the finishing of theprofile. This page enables you to define the way the tool approaches the profile and retreatsaway. Profile Lead in and Lead outThe lead-in movement is necessary to prevent vertical entering of thetool into the material. With the lead-in strategies the tool descends to themachining level outside of the material and then horizontally penetratesthe material with the lead-in movement.

The lead-out strategy enablesyou to perform the retract movements outside the material. The length of the normal canbe set in the Normal length field. Thedistance between the normal andmaterial is set in the Tangent extensionfield. The arcradius can be set in the Radius field.

Thelength of the extension can be set in theTangent extension field. The arc angle isset in the Arc angle field. The length of the tangentcan be set in the Length field. Thedistance to the material can be set in theTangent extension field. From this position, thetool moves on a straight line to the startpoint of the profile. When you selectthis option, the Pick button is activatedso that you can select a position directlyon the solid model.

The distancebetween the point and material is set inthe Tangent extension field. When you select thisoption, you can define a geometry of the tool approach to the material. When the Same as Lead in check box is selected, the strategy andparameters defined for Lead in are used for Lead out.

Under Lead in, choose the Arc optionfrom the list, and set the Tangentextension value to 5 and the Radius valueto 2. Under Lead out, select the Same as Leadin check box.

The definition of the basic technologicalparameters of profile milling is finished. The Profile operation data is saved, and the toolpath is calculated. Simulate the operationClick the Simulate button in the Profile Operation dialogbox.

The Simulation control panel is displayed. Switch tothe SolidVerify page and start the simulation with the Playbutton. When the simulation is finished, play the it step by step using thebutton. Since all the View options ofSolidWorks are active during the simulation, you can see the tool path fromdifferent perspectives and zoom on a certain area of the model. Close the simulation with the Exitdisplayed.

The Profile Operation dialog box is Add a Pocket operationThe Pocket operation is used for the internalpocket machining. Right-click the last definedProfile operation and choose Pocket from theAdd Milling Operation submenu. The Pocket Operation dialog box is displayed. Define the GeometryThe geometry for a Pocket operation is generally represented by closed chains.

In thisexercise, you have to define a chain using the solid model edges. Click the button in the Geometrypage to start the geometry definition. The Geometry Edit dialog box isdisplayed. Using the Loop option, define thechain as shown. Confirm the geometry definition byclicking the button. Define the ToolSwitch to the Tool page and click the Select button.

The Part Tool Table is displayed. Click the to start the tool definition. The Tool type table is displayed. In the Topology page, set the Diametervalue to 8.

The name of the folder is the same as the GCode segment file name. Fast Gcode Generation 3. If this parameter is set to Y, SolidCAM preforms the output of the actual G-code command in the G-code block only in case when the G-code command is changed from the previous G-code block. Machine Initialize 3.

It can be changed in the home definition dialog for current home. This parameter is not relevant for turning machines without milling capabilities. Max value is 5. This option is disabled in the Transform menu. The reason is that the homes are saved relatively to no of axis definition.

Others – Z. The default axis is ZYX. CCW is a default value. In this fashion we emulate a six axis, generic machine that enables SolidCAM to derive an output compatible with all machines regardless of machine kinematics. G68 X0. There are CNC controllers that are capable of receiving three angular displacement values as input values and converting them into a two angle rotational displacement compatible with the machine kinematics.

MillPlus, Heidenhein, Sinumerik. The tradeoff is that this option serves a machine or group of machines with identical kinematics. Purpose: 1 2 3 To make the Solid Verify Simulation the Coordinate System dialog visually compatible with the machine kinematics.

To obtain the proper positioning displacements of the rotational axes when orienting the workpiece from one coordinate system to another.

Alternatively, the user can define a coordinate system using a SolidWorks sketch drawn on a the workplane in the desired orientation. Up until the development of this option this was the mode in which users would define a coordinate system such that there would be no need to employ a program rotation macro function eg.

The following is the coordinate system data for coordinate system number two: Figure 2: Coordinate System Dialog for ZYX instance Note that in order to position from coordinate system number one to coordinate system number two, SolidCAM calculates the axial rotations necessary around each of the three linear axes.

In other words, the part is oriented according to the ability of the two rotational axes to position the workplane normal to the tool axis. Figure 4: configuration 4 Coordinate systems oriented according to the ZY The following are the axis Rotations calculated by SolidCAM in order to orient the workpiece in moving from coordinate system number one to coordinate system number two: Chapter 3 Pre-Processor Parameters Note that there is no rotation defined around the X axis.

This notifies the post processor that the machine does not have a rotary axis capable of rotating about the X axis. This being the case, the rotation around the X axis is clamped to zero and the resulting rotations are calculated around the Z and Y axes such that they will position the XY plane normal to the tool axis.

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