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Windows Server key

In a bind and can’t locate the iso anymore. I have a valid volume license key. If anyone out there has a link where I can download a valid copy of Windows R2 x64 VL it would be very much appreciated.
I don’t want to be that guy but they haven’t supported this in a while, It’s probably time to move on. I imagine the links to download this have been gone for some time. I assume that its not still in your MS Vol licensing portal? I know historically they used to keep old versions in there. Yeah I don’t think it exists any more. I would have been that guy, it’s not like you haven’t had time to migrate away to something else. What bothers me more about this type of request is if you are unable to look after the media, how could I trust you to look after my data?
I also notice you made a post and either removed it or had it deleted on another topic where I helped, for the record I still have it but I will not be sharing it.
Unfortunately, I took over a position where my predecessor was horrible at filing and documentation. The post I initially created was deleted by a moderator, I did not delete it. They recommended I create a new topic.
Windows R2 x64 is the highest level it officially supports, however I have found documentation that some have had success upgrading to R2 using the same drivers.
I respect your decision to not share the software for whatever reason, but I don’t think it necessary to berate me simply for asking. Regardless of whether it is supported or not, I find it incredibly poor practice of Microsoft to no longer provide downloadable software that customer are legally entitled to. My name is Rod, so it’s Rod-IT and it has nothing to do with my mood, If you seen previous posts you will know that went on for some time, and I am sure you do know it’s EOL.
I didn’t have to point it out, this is very true, but I shouldn’t have to point out why I am not supplying this either. I understand and appreciate repurposing something, but to re-purpose it and put it into production, even if its only a basic file server would be better of on a Linux, supported platform and not a Windows EOL version. Given how very limited that server is, I would either run a flavour of Linux or not bother. I wouldn’t want to risk of it dying on me, let alone running an unsupported OS.
I’m actually surprised a mod removed it then asked for a new post to be created for something that is no longer available. But that’s clearly not my call. To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. Get answers from your peers along with millions of IT pros who visit Spiceworks. Popular Topics in Windows Server. Which of the following retains the information it’s storing when the system power is turned off?
Submit ». Tim-H This person is a verified professional. Verify your account to enable IT peers to see that you are a professional. Robin Matthews This person is a verified professional. Thai Pepper. Pure Capsaicin. Windows Server expert.
Tim-H wrote: I don’t want to be that guy but they haven’t supported this in a while, It’s probably time to move on. Why can you not upgrade this system to R2 then plan a migration to something supported? Rod-IT, Unfortunately, I took over a position where my predecessor was horrible at filing and documentation.
Robert This person is a verified professional. Thanks Rob, Looks like those links are for either the trial version, or just service packs. I actually checked all the topics I could find on Spiceworks prior to posting. I do appreciate the effort though. Thanks again for the lesson on best practices and your unrequested suggestions on what you would do. I never said this server was for production purposes. Quite frankly, that is none of your concern. I have been tasked with a project that requires I get this machine up and running if possible.
That’s all I’m trying to accomplish here. If you can’t provide assistance with my original request, please refrain from posting further. This topic has been locked by an administrator and is no longer open for commenting. Read these next
Windows Server key
Mar 12, · Microsoft Windows Server Service Pack 2 (SP2) is a cumulative service pack that includes the latest updates and provides enhancements to security and stability. In addition, it adds new features and updates to existing Windows Server features and utilities. Apr 28, · If you want to search for a specific file in the “Windows Server R2 bit English ISO” section, enter the file name, MSDN code, SHA-1 hash, or any keyword from the title or file description in the field below. File Title. File Size. Release Date. Windows Server R2 Standard Edition with SP2 – Disc 1 – VL (English) MB. 28 April. Nov 13, · Microsoft Product Cracked Key’s. Posted by Admin at PM. Sunday, November 13, Labels: Internet-related. Windows Server: Windows Server R2 Enterprise Edition KX9YPMH3-GTFVG-JKCWCHG. Windows Server R2 Standard Edition FQFYX-JXQRT-3MJGD-2B8HP-KHC8B. Windows Server Longhorn February CTP (IA64) JB9R.